Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that views the body as a whole system, rather than a collection of separate parts. It takes into account the interconnectedness throughout the whole person, and aims to support the natural ability of the body to heal itself.

Since graduating in 2011, the vast majority of my further study and ongoing education has been in the field of cranial osteopathy - more specifically a Biodynamic approach to Osteopathy in the cranial field. Biodynamic osteopaths use a gentle, non-invasive approach to release tensions,  promote free movement of the body's tissues and enhance health, thus restoring balance and promoting optimal function.

Biodynamic osteopathy can be beneficial to people of all ages. I find it particularly helpful for the treatment of babies to assist in relieving a range of symptoms that they may face in relation to conditions such as colic, reflux, torticollis, and difficulties with feeding. These symptoms are often as a result of birth-related trauma, such as a difficult or assisted delivery. Osteopathic treatment can help alleviate these strains and support optimal development.


Welcoming a new life into the world can be an amazing experience, but it’s no secret that it can also take a toll on your body - as well as being a big adjustment for the entire family.

Osteopathic treatment can be a wonderful way to support your whole system during the healing and recovery process following the birth of your little one. Regardless of which mode of delivery your baby took to make their entrance into the world, your body has undergone major, rapid change. Symptoms ranging from pain and a feeling of heaviness to balance issues and brain fog may benefit from a treatment to help reestablish support and homeostasis.

Breastfeeding difficulties such as issues with latching (bub may need some help releasing tension through the head and face to allow for adequate mouth opening), engorgement and mastitis may be helped with osteopathic treatment by ensuring your system is functioning as well as possible and coping with the new demands it is under.

Mums & Bubs treatments are now available. As are treatments for other members of the family who may be having their own difficulties adapting to life with an extra family member.


Did you know that osteopathic treatment during pregnancy can offer benefits beyond just alleviating back pain?

A randomised control trial(1) found that women receiving osteopathic treatment during the course of their pregnancy experienced: a reduction in birth duration – with an average delivery time of 4.7 hours compared to 7.7 hours in the control group. A 37% reduction in pain intensity during birth & also a reduction in episiotomies!

Although every woman's pregnancy and labor experience is unique, maintaining good movement and function of the body can be beneficial. If the body is not prepared, the baby may have difficulty descending, leading to interventions to help labour progress. The birth canal requires sufficient space for the baby to move through, and stiffness or restriction in the pelvis and lower back may hinder the baby's descent. Remember, your baby will arrive when they are good & ready, but it is helpful to ensure that your body is ready too!

I want to help prepare you to have the best birth experience possible, and I hope these in-home treatments will provide support to those that may otherwise miss out if getting to the clinic isn’t possible.

It’s never too late for a treatment - even if you feel labour is imminent!

1. - Osteopathy as a therapy during pregnancy: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine , Volume 13 , Issue 3 , 128